Web Development

for Beginners in Geneva

Would you like to become a web developer, but don’t know how to code? There’s nothing to worry about.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking for a career change,our training course is made for you!

Our web development training will give you the skills you need to create all kinds of modern, customizable websites.

Over 463 satisfied Genevans

Our web training objectives

Learning the basics

It's important to understand and know how to create a user interface that's intuitive and pleasant to navigate, which is the very essence of a quality website.

Web authoring tools (without code)

These famous web design tools we'll be teaching you offer a wide range of customization features, enabling you to create websites and applications that reflect your brand and style.

Development process management

We'll teach you all the steps you need to take to create a quality site, but to do so it's essential to know how to manage and organize the content of a website, including formatting text, adding media and creating navigation menus.

A shortage of web developers in Switzerland!

+ 0 %

job offers
in this area since 2021

The shortage of qualified personnel in Switzerland has never been more worrying. At least, that’s what emerges from the latest Swiss labor shortage index published by Adecco in collaboration with the University of Zurich’s Swiss Labor Market Monitor.

Information source: & L’Association pour l’emploi des cadres

Learn how to develop a website from A to Z

From design creation to online development.

The creation of a website necessarily involves a creative process, from the conception of the design to the actual development of the online site. We’ll help you create the website you’ve imagined!

Using the best web tools

Web development is a science that has evolved over the years, and so have development tools.

That’s why at we teach you web development using the latest, most powerful software on the market.

What exactly will you learn?

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web development training in geneva

Prototyping and creation of a graphic model :

  • Define mock-up objectives, required functionalities, target users and technical constraints.

  • Create ideas and sketches for the model’s appearance.

  • Transform ideas and sketches into a digital version of the model using design tools such as Figma, Sketch or Adobe XD.

  • Make modifications to the model to ensure that it corresponds to needs and requirements.

  • Make the mock-up functional so that you can test its use and adjust it if necessary.
Wordpress web development
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Online model development

  • Installation and configuration of a content management system (CMS) such as WordPress to build the site’s pages and functionalities.

  • Site installation and configuration based on current updates.

  • Domain name installation. Subdomains. Redirection and aliases.

  • Installation of primary plug-ins to ensure smooth site operation.

  • Site and data security.

  • Development of the graphic model in the CMS using a page builder plugin

Website referencing and maintenance

  • Installation and configuration of a content management system (CMS) such as WordPress to build the site’s pages and functionalities.

  • Site installation and configuration based on current updates.

  • Domain name installation. Subdomains. Redirection and aliases.

  • Installation of primary plug-ins for site operation.

  • Site and data security.

  • Development of the graphic model in the CMS using a page builder plugin

How web development training works


Training planning

Call us to make an appointment and set a date and location for your 1st class. Please note that our courses are one-to-one, enabling you to learn more effectively and solve your problems quickly and precisely.

We offer the possibility of carrying out your web development training at home or at our offices in Geneva Eaux-vives at 36 rue du 31 décembre.

When we call, we’ll ask you to prepare a list of the points you’d like to cover during the course. Thanks to this, we can work on what you want first.

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How web training works

Fun Fundamentals

First of all, we’re going to lay the foundations of web design, without touching a single line of code! Imagine building a dazzling house with virtual building blocks. We’ll teach you how to use user-friendly, intuitive tools to create stunning websites without needing to master complicated programming languages. It’s like a building set, but this time it’s for creative adults like you!

Step 2: Let your creativity do the talking

In this section, we’ll show you how to unleash your creativity and create stunning designs. From vivid colors and attractive fonts to elegant layouts, you’ll learn the secrets to making your website as unique as you are! And remember, no idea is too far-fetched here. Let your imagination run wild and create wonders!

Step three: Cutting to the chase with Features

Now that your website is already beautiful, it’s time to liven it up with some fun features. Integrate interactive forms, attractive slideshows and perhaps even little games to enchant your visitors. We’re going to teach you how to add fun, useful features without getting bogged down in complicated code. Trust us, you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve without coding!

Fourth stage: The Moment of Glory

Hurrah! You’ve created your own personalized website, while avoiding complex code. It’s time to show the world! We’ll teach you how to publish your website and make it accessible to everyone on the web. Expect to be inundated with congratulations and “Wow, you did that yourself?!” from your friends and family!

Last step: Become a Code-Free Pro Web Designer

After this course, you’ll officially be a web design pro without code! You’ll have acquired skills that will enable you to realize your future projects and amaze everyone with your talents. What’s more, you’ll have joined a community of no-code designers who share your enthusiasm for simplified web design.

So, are you ready to embark on this exciting adventure? We look forward to meeting you and guiding you through this incredible experience. Fasten your seatbelt, the journey begins!

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Homework and progress monitoring

Most of the work is done when we’re not there, and yes! You’ll have homework to do! This will enable you to get to grips with your technology and use it on your own.

Example of real-life application: create your own website, putting into practice everything you’ve learned so far.

Then, at the next appointment, we can look at the various difficulties encountered and help you to overcome them.

Learn, train, progress, have fun!

This is our teaching method, guaranteeing 100% progress.

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"And now you know the program!
Don't wait any longer and get trained in web development."

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Plan your computer lessons

And enjoy a course for FREE

For planning 10 lessons over the year* (2023-2024)

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Planifiez votre cours d'informatique maintenant au

Nous répondons du Lundi au Samedi de 8h à 19h

Nous attendons votre appel !

Plan your computer course now at

We answer Monday to Saturday from 8am to 7pm

We look forward to hearing from you!

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Start your web development training!

We answer your call from Monday to Saturday, 8am to 7pm.

We look forward to hearing from you!

On vacation
until April 1st

(No, it’s not a joke)


Visit the contact page to schedule a lesson or if you have any questions!